MOJAM at Software Architecture Fwdays’24

MOJAM is riding the wave of tech events once again, and this time we’ve joined as Gold Partners for the Software Architecture fwdays’24 conference! We believe there should be more practical and insightful events like this for developers both in Ukraine and around the world because, after all, they’re the ones driving products forward!

Some context

Software Architecture fwdays’24 isn’t just a conference – it’s an event where PROs from all over the globe come together, both offline and online, to dive into the latest tech trends and systems architecture approaches. The hottest topics in the software architecture world were up for discussion, from microservices to gRPC, transactional outbox, and anti-patterns like the Bad Data Virus.

Of course, our team didn’t miss out on this event. We’re always on top of the latest trends and tech news. Our developers came back with great impressions and fresh insights, and they’ve been buzzing about it in our Slack channels ever since.

And insights by mojamers

Oleksii, Back-end Developer

The highlights for me were the talks by

Key takeaways: 

  • I got a deeper understanding of gRPC and load balancing strategies.
  • Learned about the Saga pattern through real-world use cases, which went beyond the theory I knew.
  • The talk on PUMB’s architecture was especially interesting because I’ve worked in banking before, and it was cool to compare approaches and spot some default practices that work across enterprise systems.
  • Picked up a few new anti-patterns — always handy to know what to avoid!

Online format: 

  • Loved that you could choose between two tracks, which meant I didn’t miss any talks I was interested in.

Kostia, Node JS Team Lead

  • Big thumbs up to the Architecture Anti-patterns talk, which gave a solid approach to building architecture. I learned about a cool new anti-pattern, the Bad Data Virus
  • In the talk about tools for microservice architecture, Transactional Outbox, I saw a real-world implementation of the pattern. To me, the solution seemed a bit over-complicated, but I liked that the team used AWS MSK, although they ended up switching to self-managed Kafka due to unexplained crashes and long updates
  • In the Choreography: The Microservices Ballet session, a key takeaway was that it’s best to avoid distributed transactions
  • Fun Fact: “PUMB” names their services after Lord of the Rings characters (Frodo, Gimli, Legolas…). How cool is that? 😎”

Mykola, QA Team Lead

  • MacPaw’s Evolution: Their ability to scale and evolve their architecture as they grow really stood out to me.
  • Service tiering from Uklon: An interesting approach to prioritising services. Their solution to traffic jam issues while building route systems was impressive
  • Security in modern robotic systems: This talk blew me away, especially in the context of warfare. It’s a whole new field that demands significant attention and resources
  • Anti-patterns in development: A solid tip – avoid a “tech zoo” when choosing tools for development

Tymofii, DevOps

  • Even for non-devs like me, this conference was fascinating! While I’m counting down to the Fwdays DevOps event in February 2025, I have to give a shoutout to one of the standout speakers this time — Oleksandr Savchenko, Solutioning Director at Ciklum. His talk was mentioned by all the Mojamers above for a reason! Great content combined with top-tier presentation skills. Plus, offline conferences just have that special vibe, and it’s awesome that Fwdays offers both formats for speakers and participants alike. 


  • We’re thrilled to have partnered with such a technical event. MOJAM loved the match so much that we’re already lined up as partners for the next conference — CTO, happening on November 16th. See you there, and of course, we’ll be sharing more Mojamer insights on our website!

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