Dmytro Khandzhanov, a Front-end developer from the MOJAM team, shared an article on how to restructure a project so that the architecture not only exists on paper but actually works.
These three years, we’ve gathered countless stories of support — you could scroll through them forever. And they’re what keep us going. Everyone thanks our defenders and volunteers in their own way — through donations and steady support. We don’t expect a “thank you” back — because we’re the ones who are grateful — but […]
We stand with Ukraine always and everywhere, especially when it comes to helping out little Ukrainians. Be BRO is more than just how mojamers vibe together — it’s about real support where it counts. Before Christmas, the team came together to make 57 kids’ dreams come true and give their belief in holiday magic an […]
Mojamers hit up Lezo’s Career Meta Hata for the first time ever 🚀 Honestly, we could just say it was cool and useful for both the participants and our team. But why not drop a quote from Lezo’s socials instead? «Crushing MetaHut on the first try: The MOJAM Story» Yep, that’s exactly how it went! […]
Konstantin Gobelyak, Node.js Team Lead at MOJAM, shares an analysis of PostgreSQL and MySQL to simplify the choice between them.
You remember one of our core values, — “Be PRO,” right? We challenge ourselves daily with a sporting spirit and never stop 🚀 Walk the talk! Being a friend and a Golden Partner of the CTO fwdays’24 conference on November 16 in Kyiv is an opportunity to stay on top of the latest technical updates […]
Of all the special days, Kharkiv Day holds a unique spot for MOJAM, as it’s where our journey began and where many of our teammates still live and work. That’s why a big chunk of our support for Ukraine goes to the Kharkiv direction, aiding specific units of the Armed Forces and territorial defence. We […]
Our PROs have landed on Vector, sharing an inside look at life at MOJAM and how our values drive us to build top-notch projects
Dmytro Khandzhanov, a front-end developer with nearly 10 years of experience, explores project refactoring and the challenges of legacy code.
MOJAM is riding the wave of tech events once again, and this time we’ve joined as Gold Partners for the Software Architecture fwdays’24 conference! We believe there should be more practical and insightful events like this for developers both in Ukraine and around the world because, after all, they’re the ones driving products forward! Some […]
Pavlo Bezdvernyi, Lead Back-End Engineer at MOJAM, shares our experience in scaling an user oriented platform.
We’ve shared our insights on when to kick off an influencer marketing campaign, how to build up a solid database of creators, and how to set those price tags right